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WRITING CONTEST FOR STUDENTS                        Editor: Nancy Nourse

Date: March 8, 2012  Region: Sherbrooke

communiqu du 29 e concours littrairesThe Saint-Jean-Baptist Society of Sherbrooke has launched the 29e Concours de Production littéraires "Roland Dubois" 2012, in literary writing. The Society feels that the French language is of socio-cultural value closely related to that of national pride. The SSJB encourages the development of the quality of written French by rewarding the authors for the better texts written by high school students.

The Society is well aware that schools are often overloaded with requests by various contests. They are, however, convinced that their contest blends perfectly within the reality of the French-language classes because it does not require any particular organizational aspects. Actually, texts are accepted which the pupils have written during classes related to their French program. Learning to write, is that not to learn how to think and express yourself with all the nuances that the richness of the French language allows?

What school could refuse a chance to present its students and their successes? The contestsplash.j29e concours littraires 2 offers an occasion to highlight students whose work deserves to be underlined. Several winners in the past have noted that the recognition that they received at the time of the SJBS contest had served as a powerful and stimulating incentive toward the continuation of their studies.

The texts must be registered at the SSJB office no later than May 28, 2012. Traditionally about thirty texts are received, whether it is considered a good year or a bad one for the contest. Each author receives a $50 coupon to a bookstore in the region.

For more information, contact Pauline Lefebvre at 819-569-5171.

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