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Journalist: Myriam Sainson  Date: October 24, 2011  Region: Sherbrooke

An Impasse in negotiations..

UPDATE ON STRIKE (SHERBROOKE): At the general assembly, the SEESUS union voted 88% against accepting the final offer of their employer, the University of Sherbrooke. This result was reported at a  press conference held on Monday, October 24. Negotiations have stalled and both parties will return to the negotiating table ...


Last Friday, October 21 at 5 p.m., at the Council Chambers of the Rectory, on the 3rd floor of the Pavilion George-Cabana, of the University of Sherbrooke, Professor Martin Buteau, vice-president of human resources and student-life, held a press conference on the terms of a final offer presented to the SEESUS Union in a final attempt to negotiate a return to work as soon as possible. Following this important announcement, the Union said it would call for a majority refusal at a general meeting to be held, Monday, October 24 (time as yet unspecified)... The Union feels confident about the outcome of this vote.

What is the content of this final offer proposed by the employers which received unanimous acceptance from the faculty deans and the steering committee? The specifics include “an average salary increase of 13% from 2010 to 2015, over 5 years, 6% upon signing and an additional 2% in April 2012” while Union demands include an increase of 16% in wages over 7 years. This offer would create a difference of more than 12 million between the two parties. With this existing impasse in negotiations, the tone becomes hard ... The offer also includes: ''Payment of a lump sum of up to 2% of gross wages earned in the event that the price index (CPI) is higher than the salary increases for the period April 1,2010 to March 31, 2015 ''.

The final offer also refers to employees and research support: ''full integration into the wage structure with a regular mechanism for accelerated salary advancement. As such, an additional ‘more than $450,000’ will be invested from now until June 1, 2014.'' In addition, they will receive a retirement allowance representing one year's salary, after a period of 12 years seniority.An Impasse in Negotiations

Watch for a follow-up of these negotiations to come in the week from October 24-28. Everything is in the hands of the SEESUS Union and its members and the vote of refusal or acceptance of this current and final offer made by their employer.

More on this final offer and what it means can be found at


Photos: Courtesy of the University of Sherbrooke

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