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CREATING NESTING BOXES FOR DUCKS     Journalist: Myriam Sainson

nichoirs  canard brachu photo 1

Within the framework of the extra-curricular program "Activitiés Passion" at la Polyvalente Montignac (Lac-Mégantic), students built 27 nesting boxes out of wood, for woodland ducks and other types of ducks, which will soon be arriving at various sites close to Lac Mégantic or other water points that would support their reproduction needs, under favorable and safe conditions.

This project, which was financially supported by Ducks Unlimited (CIC) through the purchase of materials, is designed "to sensitize young people about the importance of the marshes" and the habitat of ducks, in particular, as Maryse Giguère - professor responsible for the project underlined so well as she welcomed the journalists to the press conference on Tuesday March 13, held at the Polyvalente Montignac. Also present were Diane Turcotte – School Commissioner des Hauts-Cantons, Richard Hallé – Director of la Polyvalente, Bruno Fillion, Pascal Demers - CIC of Mégantic region (photo 2) and the young people who took part in this project, with such an inspiring enthusiasm...

Today, the woodland duck, of undeniable beauty, is still considered an abundant species, nichoirs  canard branchu photo 3particularly, in Estrie, when food is accessible, in its area of choice. But, it should be noted that these birds have more and more difficulty in nesting in holes of trees which are more or less, exposed to unforeseeable dangers and mortality. The nesting boxes manufactured out of wood represent its single hope of being able to reproduce, in a context of privacy, comfort and peace.

The nesting boxes should be installed during the winter months, 50 to 100 meters above the water level, which will facilitate the exit of young ducklings through the hole. Arranged inside the nesting boxes are 8 to 10 cm of wood shavings, with netting near the roof, so that the ducklings nichoits  canard brachu photo 2can cling to it and leave the nest without mishap, even if sometimes, they can be seriously injured as they fall to the ground. The nesting boxes should be cleaned each year, but cannot be moved before three years, to ensure the process of reproduction, reliability and stability. The mission of Ducks Unlimited in Quebec is to protect the wet lands. The work of this non-profit organization must be encouraged and financially supported.


Photo 1: The students and the nesting boxes made out of wood that they had made

Photo 2: A pair of woodland ducks (photo credit: Canadian )

Photo 3: The organizing committee and representatives of the CIC

Photo credits: Myriam Sainson

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