
Making Professional Theatre Accessible to Young Audiences

logo Rideau - jeunesESTRIE- Within the framework of the Bourse RIDEAU 2013, a document, Developing a Policy Promoting Professional Theatre for Young Audiences, was presented. This text is the fruit of five-years-of-work by the committee for Théâtre Jeune Public, set up by le Conseil Québécois du théâtre (CQT), as a follow-up of 2ième États généraux du théâter professionel de 2007. This committee, composed of, among others, representatives from the Association des diffuseurs specializes en théâtre (ADST), the Conseil Québécois du théâtre (CQT), le Réseau indépendant des diffuseurs d’événements artistiques unis (RIDEAU) and the association of Théâtre Unis Enfance Jeunesse (TUEJ), carried out the research which led to the drafting of this document.

This proposal demonstrates the importance of a global vision to create theatrical works aimed at young audiences and offers different ways of going forward with such a vision, ensuring the harmonious development of the theatrical profession. The foreword is written by author Suzanne Lebeau, artistic director of the theatre company Carrousel.

Developing a Policy Promoting Professional Theatre for Young Audiences proposes seventeen actions, including three designated as top priority which would equip Quebec with a policy regarding professional theatre dedicated to a younger audience. This publication has been drafted from reports and studies carried out for more than 20 years by the theatrical medium and public forums. The proposal also describes the specifics of this type of theatre program in regard to creation, attendance, distribution and public support. Considering the major challenges that face the theatrical profession, it is with a united voice that this medium implores Quebec to acquire a policy of this nature.

The ADST, the CQT, RIDEAU and TUEJ are requesting what they feel to be an essential meeting, with the Minister of Culture and Communications and the Minister of Education, Leisure and Sports in order to share this document with them and stress the important aspects and measures to be taken to ensure the youth of Quebec veritable access to original, strong and significant artistic theatre.

Devising such a policy would create an essential key toward an increased knowledge, interest and attendance of artistic theatre; for the sustainability of an internationally recognized art form, primarily due to this aggressive move to inspire future generations of young people.

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