
Studios GolemLabs

logoGolemSHERBROOKE: A 3D virtual networking site is being created in Sherbrooke -- a small Sherbrooke laboratory sees large. Studios Golemlabs is about to carve a slice in the world of visual technologies. The company envisages growth from 17 employees to 100 within 18 months. The company puts online the 3Dcchat, a virtual 3D networking site, creating an interface for adults making it possible to establish true bonds in an assembled environment of any kind. For the moment, 50,000 people are members. The goal is two- three million users in the coming months. 

On behalf of Minister Élaine Zakaïb (Minister for Industrial Policy and the Economic Development Bank of Quebec, Dr. Réjean Hébert (Minister for Health and Social Services, Minister responsible for Seniors, Minister responsible for Estrie and Deputy for the District of Saint-François) announced a non-refundable financial contribution of $135,700 to Studios GolemLabs, for the development of a simulation software to create possible real-life situations, a system that will be used to train nursing staff. This financial support comes from the Programme d’appui au développement des secteurs stratégiques et des créneaux d’excellence.

“This innovative initiative will support the development of a specific expertise relating to the training of nursing staff”, underlined Dr. Hébert, “Estrie is already characterized by the presence of many researchers, clinicians and experts recognized for their know-how in the field of the care and services regarding seniors. This great capacity for innovation, a corporate network of impressive size and international scale is being added, which through its development and marketing will contribute to the socio-economy of the area. ”

The software developed by Studios GolemLabs will reproduce an emergency room scenario complete with realistic environment and patients. The nurses will have to deal in real time with various trauma scenarios and develop the appropriate responses to each situation. The software will make it possible for many users to evolve and operate in the similar situation thanks to an interconnection of the networks and could be useful in the home as well as in the classroom. This project has been created in close collaboration with researchers from the Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, de la Faculté d’éducation, de la Faculté des sciences et du Département d’informatique de l’Université de Sherbrooke.

“The project created by Studios GolemLabs is a good example of the quality product that a company can produce using its creativity and its expertise to innovate”, added Deputy Minister Zakaïb, “It is of primary importance to our government to support and encourage the contractors who develop innovative actions to diversify and develop new markets. To thrive, we must combine the expertise of our contractors and the expertise in the research medium.”

Founded in December 2000, Studios GolemLabs has marketed video games on a worldwide scale. Specialized in strategic games, the company decided to diversify its activities by integrating into this active simulation market, one which is rapidly growing. The current project falls under this new orientation process.

“The financial support of the government of Quebec will enable us to carry out the development of various scenarios which will be offered via software according to the targeted groups”, Jean-Rene Couture, President of Studios GolemLabs, noted, “When the design of this particular project is completely finished, we will be able to carry out actual tests with users. I am very proud of this project which, ultimately, will form an integral part of the training of healthcare professionals. ” 

Créneau d’excellence ACCORD Biotech Santé

Dr. Hébert also benefited from his trip to Sherbrooke to mark the important niche of development, Créneau d’excellence ACCORD Biotech Santé. It was announced last January that these efforts would be directed toward fields involving aging and the autonomy of seniors. Dr. Hébert also introduced the two new co-presidents of this initiative - Carol Fillion, Director-General of Centre de santé et de services sociaux – Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Sherbrooke (CSSS-IUGS) and Christian De Grâce, President of RideUp Mobility.

“I also want to make a point of underlining the collaboration between le Pôle Allongement de la Vie Charles Foix (the cluster for the extension of life Charles Foix) via Sol’iâge, and our own niche of excellence here in Estrie”, added Dr. Hébert, “Since last March, more than forty participants from the area have taken part in this exercise of co-operation which enables them to discover the innovating initiatives of our Francophone colleagues, inter alia, in gray market economy sectors.”

“In dialogue with these French experts and the speakers of this medium, we are currently building our action plan”, explained Carol Fillion, “the objective is to come up with a new line of personalized services and technologies benefiting the greater autonomy of seniors”.

“This relationship opens a new field of possibilities, for the implementation of strong international university projects through an increase in business meetings within our respective fields”, underlined Benjamin Zimmer, responsible for Development and Innovation, in France. 


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