
Douglas Gibson - Storyteller

Douglas Gibson bookNORTH HATLEY: THE PIGGERY will be presenting an evening with engaging and fine raconteur Douglas Gibson, one of Canada’s foremost editors and publishers for more than 40 years. On July 6 (8p.m.), this nationally renowned writer, speaker and editor will delight you with witty and engaging stories from his memoirs, an honest and heartfelt record of Gibson’s fascinating, personal and often humorous encounters.

In this collection of essays, Douglas shares some of his stories about great Canadian authors and public figures from Alice Munro, Pierre Trudeau, Robertson Davies, Alistair MacLeod, John Diefenbaker, Mavis Gallant, Hugh MacLennan, Peter C. Newman, Brian Mulroney, Morley Callaghan, Paul Martin, James Houston, Peter Gzowski, W.O. Mitchell, just to name a few. Audiences from Haida Gwaii to Halifax have loved witnessing these editor’s stories as 20 authors come amusingly alive on the stage.

This one-man show consists of Douglas Gibson, in traditional publisher’s uniform of navy blazer and grey flannels, strolling about the stage — from a podium, to a chair at a desk/table, to an armchair — telling stories about the authors he got to know so well in the course of his career as an editor and publisher.

The evening performance has been described as “unique,” and “hilarious,” and “full of great stories”, the kind of show that could only come from someone with such a long and fascinating career working behind the scenes with some of the most memorable men and women of our time.

Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of Gibson’s newest book ‘Stories About Storytellers’ may do so at the end of the show during an autographing session set up in the foyer.

For more information on where Gibson’s book is available, check out

THE PIGGERY is located at 215 chemin Simard, North Hatley. To reserve your seating, contact 819-842-2431 or 


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