
Échotech Quebec Receives Funding

Ecotech logoMONTREAL : The Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, announced that Écotech Québec (Quebec`s cleantech cluster) has been granted financial assistance to pursue its mission of promoting the development, financing and commercialization of clean technologies in Quebec.

“Our Government remains focused on growth and employment, as this funding to Écotech Québec clearly shows. Through its support of innovative clean technology companies, this organization is contributing to Canada’s economic prosperity,” said Minister Lebel.

Launched in 2009, Écotech Québec’s objective is to position Quebec as a world leader in cleantech technology. The funding from the Canadian Economic Development Agency will enable the organization to carry out various activities, and, in particular, to match industrial sector requirements to clean technology companies.

The first organization of its kind in Canada, Écotech Québec brings together cleantech stakeholders from all Logo - GCCAover Québec. It provides a forum for innovative businesses, users, researchers, investors, governments, and cleantech organizations to accelerate the innovation and commercialization process, and to make Québec a centre of excellence in this field.

In 2010, data showed that Québec was home to more than 500 innovative cleantech businesses, that the number of new energy-related patents was in decline, and that when it came to financing for innovative businesses, Québec was averaging well below its economic weight.

"Our ultimate goal is to create ideal conditions for accelerating the development of clean technology and facilitating its adoption and commercialization", said Andrée-Lise Méthot, Chair of the Board. Denis Leclerc, President and CEO of Écotech Québec added: "We want to further analyze these key points and compare them with data from around the world in order to establish our top priorities for advancement."

Écotech Québec took this opportunity, which brought together more than 170 people, to release an interactive map featuring Québec's most innovative businesses and research groups operating in the cleantech sector. "This powerful tool will help us better position our know-how within Québec, Canada, and abroad, so we can keep pace with this booming sector," Denis Leclerc noted enthusiastically.

To create its interactive overview, Écotech Québec turned to Korem, a Québec City-based North American leader in business and geospatial intelligence, which adapted proven technologies to fit the unique requirements of the Québec sector. Écotech Québec also partnered with Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ) logo international Cleantech Networkto compile a directory of companies. The data from which appears on the map are coming from the Banque d'information industrielle. The map is available on

Écotech Québec unveils Québec's cleantech overview

During this 2nd Cleantech Forum, Écotech Québec, Québec's cleantech cluster, unveiled the first-ever overview of Québec's cleantech industry. Preliminary data show that Québec is home to nearly 500 innovative cleantech businesses, that the number of new energy-related patents is in decline, and that when it comes to financing for innovative businesses, Québec is punching well below its economic weight.

"Our ultimate goal is to create ideal conditions for accelerating the development of clean technology and facilitating its adoption and commercialization", said Andrée-Lise Méthot, Chair of the Board.

Denis Leclerc, President and CEO of Écotech Québec added: "We want to further analyze these key points and compare them with data from around the world in order to establish our top priorities for advancement."

This assistance, granted in the form of $717,000 in non-repayable funding, including a first contribution of $117,000 for 2012, and a second contribution of $600,000 in 2013 over three years (2013-2015). These amounts have been awarded through Canada Economic Development’s Quebec Economic Development Program.

To create its interactive overview, Écotech Québec turned to Korem, a Québec City-based North American leader in business and geospatial intelligence, which adapted proven technologies to fit the unique requirements of the Québec sector. Écotech Québec also partnered with Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ) to compile a directory of cleantech companies. The data from which appears on the map comes from the Banque d'information industrielle. The map is available on


Rendez-vous Québec / U.S. Northeast

Quebec - Northeast Vt. To be held on October 2-3, 2013, the Rendez-Vous Québec/U.S. Northeast is a unique forum to increase business opportunities; from identifying challenges to implementing green innovations. Come and meet with several clean technologies Adopters, key Investors, specialized R&D Centers and Universities, and strategic Partners.

Through Workshops, Blitz Presentations and B2B Speed Dating, you will learn about major current projects and great recent innovations. An excellent way to build strategic alliances and to foster the green trade corridor with Québec.

Contact: Amélie Bergeron-Vachon to register at 1-514-864-8307 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Écotech Québec

Centre de commerce mondial

413, rue Saint-Jacques, bureau 500

Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1N9

514 864-8318  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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